Basis Turntables: Worth it or Ripoff?

Are the Basis turntables and arms (ie, Vector 4) worth their asking price? They seems very expensive for you apparently are getting?

Showing 1 response by nicktheknife

Rip off is kind of harsh. Maybe because you’re not enamored with the visual aspects of the Basis turntables? Sometimes it’s a trade off or compromise. I can’t comment on the sound of the Basis turntables or their build quality but I would believe the poster’s comments on here that they are indeed fine turntables and you could probably find a used one for a good price.
Of course the ultimate goal is the sound quality. I’m sure you can find a table that sounds good and pleases you visually too.
To me, the Basis tables are little boring visually.
What’s more important, looks or sound? Or, must you have both? That’s the goal for me. It has to be both unless the deal is too good to pass up. Then, I would settle for just sounding good and can live with the looks.