ctsooner, I have not listened to either Basis arm so I can not make any comments on how they sound. I have spent a lot of time playing around with Graham arms. I will not even look at unipivots for myself because (and this is going to sound a bit harsh) they are mechanically incompetent and you can see it just lifting the arm! A tone arm has to hold the cartridge rigidly in the appropriate orientation to the record with only two degrees of freedom, up and down, side to side. Wobbling on axis is just plain out of bounds. I do not think it takes a mechanical genius to see this. It is popular because it is a cheap easy way to make a tonearm. You just have to plop the thing down on a single point which in the case of VPI arms wears out frequently. It is much more expensive and difficult to use fine bearings and get them oriented and loaded perfectly.