Basic Digital Audio Setup Advice

Greetings! Looking for some feedback on a wired digital audio setup. My primary goal is to play hi-res (up to 24/192) lossless files bit perfectly in a plug and play fashion.

Here's my current (modest) arrangement, my iMac is too far from the DAC to hard wire, forcing use of Airplay and downsampling to 16-44.1...

2014 iMac w/ external HDD (~4TB of FLAC/ALAC files) > Audirvana 3.5/Roon (both on trial currently, migrating from iTunes/Music) > Airplay (via Airport Express) optical > Cambridge Audio DACMagic Plus > Rega Brio > Q Acoustics 3050i
I'd like to add a server/streamer next to the DAC that I can access remotely to take the iMac out of the chain. Initially was looking at a headless 2012 MacMini >  DAC using Audirvana/Roon but I know not truly dedicated to audio.

When going down the Roon rabbit hole I was intrigued by the Nucleus in place of the Mini. I would likely look to move the file storage to a 2-4 bay NAS accessed by either the Mini or Nucleus.

It feels a bit askew to spend more money on the server/storage than I'm into for the DAC/Receiver/Speakers but the ease and cleanliness of the Nucleus has a lot of appeal.

Are there any simpler/less expensive options I'm overlooking that might help me accomplish my playback goals, keeping in mind my audio component level? I'm not very keen on having to assemble so the NUC/ROCK option isn't something I've considered. I also looked at the Bluesound Node2i but feedback on the OS is poor and sounds like some challenges with being actually Roon Ready.

Thanks much!
You might use a Google MESH system to generate an Ethernet network, run Roon core on your iMac and use a Senore microRendu or ultraRendu as the Roon endpoint with USB to a DAC of your choice.  It's simple to setup, the iMac doesn't need to be near the end point or DAC, and it's flexible for changes you might want to make in the future.  The sound can be superb.  You likely can find a microRendu or ultraRendu in the used market at a very reasonable price.

I'm leery about expensive special-purpose devices.
@dbphd I do use Google Mesh WiFi for my network. Unfortunately the iMac is still too far to connect to Ethernet and honestly is terribly slow in it's old age. If the core runs on it without an Ethernet connection I'm pretty sure I'll still be dealing with a downsampled stream to the end point? my plan was to add an unmanaged switch to the google WiFi to connect the server and a NAS, should i decide to add that. your concerns on special-purpose devices does make sense though. wonder if a Innuos Zen Mini MK3 might be a better option than the Nucleus as it may a bit more versatile?
Thanks for the feedback all, keep it coming!
@travisnordgren. WiFi works great, until it doesn’t. I have a Orbi mesh and had my nucleus attached to a satellite. Worked great at first. I guess one of my neighbors got the same system and using same channels. Lots of drops from my Nucleus. Installed a dedicated cat 6 to it and never looked back. 
@gelle yeah, i intend to connect whatever server or computer i use (as well as a NAS) directly with ethernet via the switch. that should do the trick, right?