Bands that had a "masterpiece", w/ common theme

Odd title. "sorry if it turns you off"
Pink Floyd "The Wall" @ "The Final Cut" (underated)
Kansas "Leftoverture"
ELP "Brain Salad Surgery"
Manfred Mann "The Roaring Silence"
I could go on, this is just to get it started.

Showing 4 responses by timrhu

Camper van Beethoven - Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart
Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds - Murder Ballads
Beck - Sea Change
07-25-10: Timrhu
How could I forget Sufjan Stevens - Come On Feel The Illinoise

And...Greetings From Michigan The Great Lakes State

Illinoise = Masterpiece
Michigan = exellent album
Just my opinion of course as I have read others feel Michigan is Sufjan's best effort.