Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.

I just checked my speaker connections. All using bananas, all nice and tight.

The number of times I’ve had spades get loose instead though.....

Point is, and it really is kind of a tongue in cheek thing, bananas beat spades for long term reliability in almost all setups.  If you have to use a Cardas or Mundorf speaker terminal to ensure your spades stay tight it kind of proves my point.


Showing 6 responses by tomic601

except da bomb sounds worse than a gas tight low mass spade with a quality binding post, better yet ring terminals….


@dekay for the fashion plate win !

For the record, i’m not a fan of IEC power connectors…. Now, give me a freakin Hubbel Hospital grade outlet with incredible clamping force…..

don’t blame the spade…it’s the coarse thread el cheapo “ 5 way binding post “…

Cold welding is the ultimate expression of “ naked “…..

remember, “ always wear sunscreen “…..

Of course, Enid Lumley went one better and soldered pretty much everything…. but even solder has various camps, cultists, etc…..

@audphile1 ​​​​@ghdprentice for the win….no such thing as a gas tight connection with a lowly banana….. i use Pamona or an expanding WBT if no other solution exists or on the test bench…