Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.

I just checked my speaker connections. All using bananas, all nice and tight.

The number of times I’ve had spades get loose instead though.....

Point is, and it really is kind of a tongue in cheek thing, bananas beat spades for long term reliability in almost all setups.  If you have to use a Cardas or Mundorf speaker terminal to ensure your spades stay tight it kind of proves my point.


Showing 3 responses by hilde45

@hilde45  Bananas are not actually meant for gorillas.  🤣

So what do you use instead??

Hey! I resemble that remark!

I have some cables with spades. I have some cables with bananas on them. When they break, I strip the wire and thread them through the hole.

My point is that it bananas can break. My AQ cable now lacks two of four bananas.



I like this topic. So, serious question for you: 

What about banana plugs that compress and get looser over time?

I test a lot of amps with my speakers. Bananas get compressed, bent, and broken on a semi regular basis. Admittedly, I'm an experimenter these days and for most people, they just plug it in occasionally.