Banana Plugs too narrow

I purchased high end banana plugs to use on my Coincident tube amp and my Coincident Victory speakers.  The banana plugs are too “narrow” for the “hole” on the speakers.  They slip in and out, with absolutely no connection.  I don’t know why.  Does anyone out there have an answer?  Thanks much.
If the have the Z ends you could try widening then with a pair of needle nose pliers.
Post removed 
Can I simply remove the plugs and use bare wire? 
Can I insert the plugs in the binding posts where the bare wire would go? 
The wire and plugs looked normal to me:
Tuneful cables Belden 9497, Cotton jacket, silver beryllium BFA.
The owner/manufacturer was very nice and spent an inordinate amount of time with me, but his wire simple had no connection.  It just slipped in and out of the hole in the binding post.

BTW, the humor concerning engorgement is acknowledged, but really, not very witty.  Sorry.  My assumption is males who are fixated on their appendage, must be very insecure about said organ. 
Unscrew the binding post. If in the post there is a hole, put the bare end of the speaker cable into the hole and tighten the nut. If it doesn't have a hole, take the bare wire and wrap it around the post and tighten the nut. Make sure they are tight.