
Responses from enofile

Banana Plugs too narrow
Sophomoric humor.  I guess people who understand audio engineering find Caddyshack to be the epitome of humor.  It must be a generational thing.  
Banana Plugs too narrow
BTW, the humor concerning engorgement is acknowledged, but really, not very witty.  Sorry.  My assumption is males who are fixated on their appendage, must be very insecure about said organ.  
Banana Plugs too narrow
Can I simply remove the plugs and use bare wire? Can I insert the plugs in the binding posts where the bare wire would go? The wire and plugs looked normal to me:Tuneful cables Belden 9497, Cotton jacket, silver beryllium BFA.The owner/manufacture... 
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
Thanks for all your help.  The knowledge displayed on Audiogon is way beyond my modest intellectual abilities.  I do love music though, and I know when equipment is providing a musical experience that transports. That is a special, transcendental ... 
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
I have the opportunity to purchase a Triode Lab EL84TT Stereo Tube Integrated Amplifier; EL84-TT;  I was informed this would be great with my speakers.  It’s under $2000.  Do you all agree?  Thanks much.  
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
Thanks.  I will check those out. My Coincidents are at a 97 db sensitivity, so I don’t think that is inefficient, but what do I know.  Seriously, using an 8 Ohm amp on these 14 Ohm speakers will cause what kinds of problems?  
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
And now that I’m remembering, the amps were Macintosh  
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
That was a Garrard turntable.  See what I mean?  
Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.
Thank you for all these knowledgable responses.  I need to inform all that I am a bit stuck in 1976 regarding audio components, and I am not very well versed anymore.  My budget for everything would be about $2000.  The speakers will be placed in ... 
Inexpensive Tube Integrated Amp (Hybrid) To Use With Coincident Speakers
Thanks, but like I mentioned, I don’t have a ton of dough as a retired teacher, but thanks.