Baltimore MD

Anybody interested in starting a club or discussion grp

Showing 19 responses by sailor321

I have been cleared by the wife so I am a definite for the 13th. I will bring my realRTA system to make comparisons with kartracers system. Just need time and place my e-mail is
I live in northeast side of Baltimore but Reistertown is ok for me Thursday Sept 8 is ok for me also. Some one pick a place and I will be there
ok i am in for Next Thursday, Sept 8th @ 7:30pm at Mari Luna I am not familier with the neighborhood can some one post an address so i can mapquest it
I had all intensions to attend but ended up working late. I work for Baltimore Housing and I am part of the team that is making plans to deal with the Katrina Victums arriving from the south
Just me at Micheal's house, drank some wine talked and listened for almost four hours.
We are going to meet at my house next month. I live in the Hamilton area
I had volunteered to have the next meeting at my house in November, but I just got very busy and I think I am going to have to put it off until after January 01. sorry
Hello Baltimore Audiophile
so far we, Michael and I have met once at his house. I was goingto have the next meetingat my house in November but I had to put it off until after the holidays. so we will try again in January.
There was one other that seemed interested but did not show up.
so be sure to tag this thread to be an e-mail notice and we will see what happens in January
Hey, contary to popular wishes I am still alive. I can host the next meeting at my house (NW Baltimore). The first Sunday in February is looking open for me. I am busily getting a few things of interest up and running. First a computer RTA for testing purposes and also a system for converting LP to digital, both HD storage and convertion to CD. This will be fun to compare the original to the copies.
As you can see from the thread we have tried this a couple of times and it just fizzeled out. My interests are purley high quality sound/music reproduction. No interest in Video/TV. I am not much of a fan of Gramaphone.
I am ready! The only problem is we have the holidays comming up.
I can offer my calibrated mic and real time analyizer software on my laptop to do some room measurments when we do meet.
Also,I am in the process of building a new preamp based on Transendent Sound's grounded grid and phono preamp. I am putting both in one chassie and both power supplies in an other chassie plus some other mods.
I had a catatropic failure in my Melos preamp and it unrepairable so I am gutting it for parts for my new preamp. I am listening to my system (no turntable)through a 50 cent pot for now.

so it goes........
Sang, your idea for an agenda is good. The first meeting last year over Michaels house in Baltimore was just me. We had a nice talk over wine and cheese and we listened to Michael's system. I brought a few of my favorite CD's and LP's and just listened. We talked about the differences in our systems and our tastes and 4 hours went by very quickly. The meeting at my house a couple of months later was basically the same thing. We had a total of five people. We talked a bit upstairs with food and libation then we went downstairs to my music room. We listened to some of my stuff and some of what others brought. What I am finding important is to hear other systems and understand others tastes. I have built my system for a certain sound for me, but I like knowing where I am at in relation to the world.
This hobby is actually a lonely one. My wife listens occasionally but just nods her head approvingly to anything I say. She does enjoy live concerts and recitals but prefers to listen to talk radio. I feel that trying to make this hobby more social is a good move. I can easily convince myself that this widget over that widget makes my system sound better.
I can offer to bring laptop based RTA that will measure room response. Equipment shootouts I find more of a ego thing which will result in "my widget sounds better than your widget" I will always agree to widgets sounding different but "better" is another bowel of spaghetti.
I am a definite and I am bringing my room measurement set up an nice hardy red and an interesting cheese. See you around noon.
Sang, all rooms look a lot worse on the computer screen than they sound!! I can save the graphs as jpegs and you can load them on your computer to print. I have 12ft interconnects to use between computer and your preamp plus a 12ft mic cable so I can set the mic at the sweet spot plus move it around to get reading in different parts of the room. Just need and open pair of high level inputs and some AC for the rig.
there is no need for, nor will there be time for demonstrations of two room measurment systems, so since Kartracer spent more money he can bring his.
Wanted to add my thanks to Sang for hosting. This was a great afternoon, good food and drink for an army. Sang's system sounded fantastic. He was most gracious in letting us fool around a bit. Paul's, Paul Weitziel(SP?) modded Sony CPD was a wonderful surprise. The Merlins were a pleasure to listen to, and I would love to hear them after the are broken in. realRTA is a good tool and worth the $300 of so investment not counting the cost of the computer.
It all depends on what we want to do as a club. As we discussed last Sunday I thought we were going to keep it small and not "Too Public" for now. That was the reason we agreed with Paul Stein to use a list service to communicate. Some audio clubs get quite big and require a lot of management.
Hi, Happy holidays
We have moved our com to Yahoo Groups
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