Balanced/Differential tube preamplifier recommendation?

First post here. Hello


I have a Wyred4Sound ST-500mkII class D power amplifier. I would like a balanced/differential tube preamplifier to go with it. Ideally I would spend less than $2000 on this preamp. A remote for power and volume control is a must for me. 

I would like something that is true balanced, as my source is also true balanced

I have seen a few options, but most seem to be out of my price range, and to be an uneven match for a fairly affordable power amp like I have. Any suggestions? Thank you 🙂


Showing 15 responses by thought9

I am looking for something a bit better than the Freya +. Thank you for your suggestion though

mc1969, holy crap that's a heck of a amp. Someday I'd also like a GaN amp. I have heard the Freya+. It is a fine unit. It just seemed a bit lacking to me, all around, especially in the department of dynamics and tonal character 


ghdprentice, that is good advice. Do you happen to know if the listed manufacturers make their preamps fully differential? I know Audio Research in particular is very well regarded, and even their older designs are imitated even today

ghdprentice, I do appreciate all of these things, and I would like to get a preamp that falls under that category, but for it to integrate with the rest of my system I do need a true balanced piece. Upping the budget to $3,000 is probably doable, though, especially if as you say it really makes a big difference. 

soix, I just sold my Topping Pre90, which is what I was using. Right now I'm just using an integrated amp I had lying around. The Pre90 was a quality preamp, but I found it lacking in dynamics, tonal character, and most significantly soundstage depth. I am after above all after a preamplifier with very wide holographic soundstage. I would like something that is warm and dynamic, that sweetens the sound without taking away its bite

Thanks soix. That's good info. You say VAC, ARC, Atma-Sphere etc.

Would you mind elaborating on the etc.? I am new to the world of high end modern equipment.


As for the Audio GD, I am very interested in that. I appreciate the tip. I used to own their NFB11 DAC/headphone amp, and I really loved it. I'll be doing some research on this preamp today

Yes it does help. It's unfortunate that the audio GD has so few reviews. It's at the top of my list right now though. My source is the Gustard R26. I am honestly not sold on the benefits of balanced, but as the rest of my system is balanced it would just gnaw at me to no end not to preserve that


Thanks for the info

atmasphere really now? Is the IR sensor built into the preamp, and all that needs to be done is for a remote to be bought separately? Or do I need to buy a unit that is custom ordered with a remote receiver?

@atmasphere alright, that makes sense. Why can't the existing attenuator be motorized? It is a resistor ladder? I know of plenty of preamps that can be controlled with a remote that use resistor ladders

@atmasphere no offense meant by the way. I just mean to convey that today, remote controls are very important to most audiophiles, especially at the level that your firm operates

bushing in the design. @atmasphere ok, I understand. In the units with a motorized attenuator, do you just use a regular potentiometer?

@atmasphere mostly eliminated.


in that case why not make the full switch? Your popularity seems to be shunted majorly by the lack of a remote control being standard in your offerings 

@atmasphere well it seems you've put a lot of thought into it, so I trust the conclusion you've come to. Someday, if I can afford it, Atma-Sphere will be at the top of my list for a balanced tube preamp.

@mbmi hI, thanks for the info. Could you elaborate on your thoughts on the unit? What other pres have you had before to compare it to?