02-28-13: Fromunda
Yes previous phono stage was Pro Ject Tube box MK11
Well there, we seem to have narrowed down the problem area. Try a SS phono stage.
Bah Hum Bug
02-26-13: Fromunda Was your previous phono preamp a tube unit too? Hum is not uncommon using tubes in high efficiency systems. Try a SS phono stage and see if the hum goes away. It doesn't have to be an expensive one, you can find a SS phono preamp for under $100, it should at least let you know whether or not the Fosgate is the problem. I have something like this as a back up to test for issues like this. In my experiences, I prefer solid state for very low level signals like vinyl. Tube line stages and amps are great, but you have to be careful with tube phono stages. The more efficient your speakers are, the more likely you are to hear tube artifacts in low level amplification. |
02-26-13: Fromunda 02-28-13: Fromunda High efficiency system? Check. New tube phono stage hum? Check. Previous tube phono preamp hum? Believe so. Alright, what am I missing? Sure, you can try another cartridge if that's what you want to do. |