Bah Hum Bug

I am having an issue with hum.Hum is only apparent in very quiet passages while listening to lps or when unit is in idle mode.Unit is Dead hum in cd mode of operation.

I am running a Fosgate Signature Phono amp,Thorens Td124 with Ortofon Silver Meister Cart,Wright AU-1000 linestage, 2A3 SET power amp into Klipsch Heresy speakers.

When ground is is attached from TT to Phono amp the hum is intolerable so I run the TT with no ground to Phono amp.

I have tried cheater plugs and that has made no difference.

When volume is turned up say past 1 oclock in either the Wright or the power amp the hum is very noticable. Is this indicative of the high efficiency of the Heresys and 2A3 tubes? or is there some other thing going on here?

Please help.Thanks.

Showing 1 response by fineito

Fromunda, I had the exact same problem as you. It was phono stage related. I tried cheater plugs, not much difference. I ended up purchasing the Granite Audio 502 Ground Zero and that seems to have worked for me, with some experimentation of settings. Let's just say that I am no longer cognizant of the hum at higher volumes without a signal. Maybe it is still there, I don't know, but I've not fixated on it since the 502. I've moved on. All the above advice is good. Clean you interconnect contacts, too. they could be dirty with poor contact. Lastly, I had an expensive Kondo KSL silver interconnect short circuit internally. Kondo repaired, and it is as good as new now. That caused a very loud hum different from your's.Still, clean the contacts.