I am an active buyer and seller of gear and other stuff. Over the past 20 years of being an eBay member and a user of Audiogon, Craigslist, FaceacheMarketplace, etc. I have come to a few conclusions:
1) Sellers often hallucinate that a lottery winner will magically overpay for their item.
2) Sellers price a thing at what they wish it was worth.
3) Sellers recall how much they paid at retail and imagine they should recoup as much of that high number as possible.
4) the Seller doesn't really want to sell- unless a fool longs to part with their money.
In the end when a seller and buyer are similarly motivated a fair market price is achieved. Normally neither will think it was an optimal transaction. That's how you can tell it was actually a FMV transaction.
On the flip side if a seller is panicked and or must sell he will wind up with a low number.