Baffled by Pricing Strategy

Over the course of the last two years, I’ve been on here and AudioMart roughly daily.  Like most of us, I always have some items on my Watchlist but I’m especially active looking at the gear in my price point right now.  One oddity that I can’t wrap my head around: Person posts their used gear, it doesn’t sell for months even after lowering the price, and their strategy is to raise the price?!?? People certainly have the right to ask for whatever they want but each time I see this I think to myself “yup, that’ll get it sold…”. From what i can tell, it’s not been in response to manufacturer’s price changes, product scarcity etc…. and it’s not like the community hasn’t seen the previous, lower price.  What’s the logic here?


Showing 1 response by camicut

Every time the price changes on a listed item, up or down, I get an email in my inbox notifying me of a price change on a watched item. I look at the email, which would seem to me like free promotion of their listed item.  A reminder that it's on your watch list and it's still for sale - a wiggle of the worm.  And it's for Free.

As for the strategy of raising the price, perhaps they are at their bottom line for an item and still want to send the free advertising out.  Who knows.  It could be delusions of grandeur.  If something has been for sale for 6 months without a lot of interest, then the market forces have spoken and the item is priced wrong.  It's a tougher concept for some to accept.