Bad vinyl

I recently bought 3 albums and each one had to return due to bad pressings, Dizzy, Diana Krall and Bowie. I was so disappointed, 3 out of 3 were bad, really bad. The store didn't have other copies so I bought Jeff Beck and Nora Jones new albums and they sound perfect, btw, not bad work either.

That at is a 60% return ratio. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

I’ve had good luck with new vinyl (from Barnes and Noble mostly), until the other day when I bought the new release "Bach Trios" Yo-Yo Ma, Thiele, Meyers thing. WAY too much surface noise, so back it went no questions asked…bought the CD instead and it sounds great. Note that the new Krall vinyl is 2 discs (sounds great by the way), one side being blank so now I can check my skating, although I'm not sure what I'm checking for. The blank side is also great for those times when you want some peace and quiet.