Bad NOS tubes...

I just want to put this out much as I would not like head says otherwise. Tube buyers beware!!!

On 3/7/16 I bought 6 NOS Mullard 12au7 4003 tubes for my preamp from a vender out of Minesing, Ontario Canada... under the store front name of ’’ and ’ tube’

The owner is one Alfred Kayser. On his site/sites he states all of his tubes are tested and matched for best performance values. Well,I went ahead and ordered and received said tubes. After 2-3 months of use I started to hear unacceptable levels of noise from my speakers,you know, the dirty sound of that dreaded tube noise of a scratching, distorted, dirty volume pot type of noise,which totally infringes upon the music. I went ahead and called Alfred and asked him about it and he just responded there is "nothing he could do" for me. Hey,no problem,but he advertised full-up tested tubes. If it was only one bad tube,I could understand,I’m a realist...things happen.


Long story short,I came to find out that four of the six tubes are defective and are not what I paid for. Two are fine. So the moral of this story is...When buying tubes,do not go the cheaper route,find and use a "reputable" tube vender and save yourself some time,money and aggravation. Of course I will never use this guy again for any of my audio needs... Hope this is of some help to the Audiogon membership.


Showing 1 response by tomcy6

Add me to the list of those who can hear differences between tubes and who enjoy fine tuning the sound of their systems with old stock tubes.

aol, Talk to Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. He is the importer of PrimaLuna amps and the expert on them. He also has a great selection of NOS and current production tubes that are priced from very reasonable  on up.

He can probably tell you if there is a possibility that the tubes that went bad on you were not right for your preamp or if you just got some bad tubes, as you suspect.

Before you talk with him give the stock tubes a good listen and decide what kind of change in sound you want to hear with a change of tubes. He will give you his honest opinion, even if it’s not what you want to hear, which causes people to rant about him on this forum from time to time.

Buying old stock tubes does have risk. You can minimize the risk by buying from an established seller with a good reputation. Don’t let your bad experience sour you on tubes. They can definitely improve the sound of your system, IMHO.

Here are some other good sellers:


Vintage Tube Services

Jim McShane

Brent Jessee