Bad news for audiophiles?

In new study a bottle of wine priced at $90 tastes better than a bottle of the same wine with price tag of $10.

Showing 4 responses by randy-11

maybe the $10 bottle is like a very hot trebled up stereo that sounds good initially but fatigues you quickly

or ... it is just confirmation bias, aka 'placebo effect' something that has plagued audio for decades
The really bad news for audiophiles is the disreputable pseudo-techno-babble spouted by people who don't know the first thing about electronics or bio-acoustics, many of whom use that to bill their customers of thousands of dollars.

If you disagree, then I have a basilar membrane based bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
Link for the Crossmodal Research Lab at Oxford, in the Psych. Dept. headed by Charles Spencer.

- food tastes are influenced by the cutlery used, and the effects of the frequencies in music on enhancing different tastes. Taking a swing at the audiophile market would be a public service.

Anybody want to ship him some DACs at wildly different price points?