Backing out of audiophilism for now

I am backing out for the moment! To much stress... See you guys sometime again whenever!

I was shure nice to chat and exchange ideas between 'audio-friends'. Thankyou.

Kind regards & adeu!
Dewald Visser
Wait!! Look at Pillowfight's setup again. Simple and worth every penny!
Good luck.
It's not all about the music in this hobby. It's all about the music for music lovers. The vast, vast majority of music lovers are not audiophiles. It's about music and equipment or music and the sound of equipment, or just equipment. I can see how Dv could be stressed out. But good luck and Im sure you'll be welcomed back if and when that happens!
I can relate. The stress for me is in the buying and selling (without which you can't really explore the boundaries of your system), dealing with the not-so-considerate people in the process, the juggling of the finances involved, and then of course there is UPS which seems to always "make your day" ... I still manage to keep the faith though, there are still plenty of good folks out there who are both true audiophiles and just plain good decent human beings, quite a few of them right here on the 'gon forum. And of course, there is the music, which always put a gigantic ear-to-ear grin on my face ... =)
Hej - but if the music does'nt sound nice it not worth listening. People I'll rather live in silnce that use a runn-off-the-mill intigrated micro hi-fi (or whatever they're called)

I hate earphones - their just uncomfotable and unrealistic.

I can get a very, very old Sudgen Pre-amp for $30. I does'nt look like much but it may just get me in the swing of things. What do you think?

And does anyone know B & J pre-amps? A local guy is offering me one - I must be honest - I really don't know this brand.

Times is so tight at the moment that I does'nt even get time to play piano. It is no a month since I last played!

Thanks for all the moral support!

Dewald V