Back wall treatment?

I have a small room which I’ve treated with bass trap in the corners and absoprtion panels at 1st reflection points on the front wall, side walls and ceiling. I am quite happy with the results. I am considering what to do with my back wall. Due to the size of the room I have to sit with my back essentially right up against this back wall. The wall only goes up to about ear level, above that its open to my family room and kitchen.

So my question is what do you suggest for this short back wall? Broadband absorption with something like the GIK 244 panel or diffusion or nothing at all?

Showing 1 response by williewonka

I have also recently played around with various room treatments, like yourself, and I found that the most effective treatments were those situated at ceiling level in the room but only at the ends of the room (not the sides)

- I hung a 9ft wide vinyl roller blind behind the listening position at the ceiling
- I only had to let it hang down about 18" for best effect
- extending it to its full 6.5 ft made very little difference

I also went to a friends open plan apartment that has a 12 ft ceiling and a open kitchen to the right of the sitting area where the system is located and again treating issues at ceiling level paid off big time

We hung a piece of vinyl, 24 x 84 inches in various ceiling height locations
- behind the listening position was beneficial
- placing the vinyl at ceiling height across the kitchen prevented echoes that were bouncing around above his cabinets - a huge improvement in clarity

He now has absorption panels mounted at ceiling height at strategic locations.

I also made a simple foam/vinyl trap for the top of my book case which improved overall clarity significantly

Seems soft vinyl is great stuff for sound absorption.
