Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me


Showing 11 responses by mahgister

The short but amazing and fun article of Choueiri on Spatial sound  is here with many others interesting one  about music...

This very short article of Choueiri and Anderson appear to me as FUNDAMENTAL for the future of not only audio playback but for future composer or musicians... Astonishing master piece article in my book.. Simple to read and fun and more, way more than just informative, The writers open a closed doors and pointed to a revolution in sound perception and creation ...



From the lion's mouth :

«Spatial music is music in which the spatial aspect of sound—the
perceived location, extent, and movements of sound sources in surrounding
space—is more or less equal in stature to the traditional
aspects, or elements, of music—pitch,timbre, texture, volume/dynamics,
attack/duration/decay, melody, rhythm, and form. We
shall call this traditional aspect of music canonical and contrast it
with the spatial.»

• Laurie Anderson and Edgar Choueiri •

«What is crosstalk in speakers?
This occurs when the signals from different channels (such as left and right channels in stereo audio) bleed into each other. For example, if you’re listening to a stereo audio source and the left channel’s signal is heard in the right channel, or vice versa, you’re experiencing inter-channel crosstalk.» from internet
I just proposed in my last post above a very simple experiment with only MECHANICAL tools, wood panels in fact, to experiment the effect of crosstalk by decreasing it in a near listening situation... The best way to understand is simple experiment...



Most people dont know what crosstalk is...

Here i will suggest an experiment if you own like me 2 small speakers on a desk in nearfield listening ...

Take a 2 feet and few inches wood panels, place each one on the internal side of the right and left speakers , in my case the are located in some angle beside my computer screen, and now listen...

This is a mechanical way to decrease the crosstalk effect ...

Your imaging and depth will increase so much , myself  i had  kept these panels in place for music...

Now imagine a complete and perfect  suppression of crosstalk...

I will buy BACCH filters one day and i know why ....

For now my listening is so incredible i wait a bit and my wallet is empty ... 😊

Choueiri is a genius but not in marketing  but in acoustic.... Anybody though listening him speaking about his invention understand why immediately so much clear and informed in acoustic he is...

Great review.... Thanks for the trouble to do it pinthrift..

Most people will not read Choueiri papers then it will help them to look at it...

I was tempted by the BACCH labs windows version but it is not so well suitable for headphone...

My main audiophile set up is for headphone...

So good are my box speakers they are not at the level of my headphone...

I must wait for a windows version for headphone or buy the costlier BACCH Choueiri option...

More than half people had no idea of basic acoustic .... The concept above of "envelopment" or named " listener envelopment" Which is the experience resulting from the relation between the sound sources apparent dimensions and the listener position and envelopment , ASW and LV abbreviated, can be mechanically created in a small room and this without any  DSP but with  some timbre modifications and no comparable perfection as with the BACCH filters...

I did it in my small room then i know it ...

Then when i read about the BACCH i know instantly how and why this will be a revolution in audio...

Knowing basic acoustic by experiments is better and a real knowledge, buying many dac and many amplifiers and speakers because of hype and a big wallet is NOT KNOWLEDGE...There is no other dsp to compare the BACCH filters with... Reading what Choueiri explained well, if you had basic acoustic knowledge is ENOUGH to understand why it is not a marketing gimmick...






Incredible... It is evident you had read nothing  and describe not what are the BACCH filters...

You describe the BACCH filters as a mere other  dsp among others  without even knowing what they do...

Before speaking READ...

Does this site and science articles of Choueiri lab appear marketing to you?



It is not a dac, or an amp. or speakers with a sound of their own ... BACCH filters can be coupled with any DAC... Even my low cost marvellous one...😊

It is not a component which we evaluate comparing it to another similar component in a review...There is nothing else to compare it anyway...

I did not recommend it as a component....

I recommend it as an acoustic revolution because they are filters which can be coupled with ANY SYSTEM peculiar original sound qualities without modifiying them nor modifying the timbre as perceived through your stereo system but increasing each acoustic recording 3-D spatial perception...

There is nothing else to compare... It is not a dac nor a component but a spatial acoustic catalyser acting without degrading nor the timbre nor the specific swound qualities of your system ...It work only with specific measure of your room and inner ears and head position peculiarities which must be measured for each customer...

There is many articles of Choueiri and youtube interviews, nevermind the reviews...Then you will understand without even the need to listen to it WHY it is an acoustic revolution... Then all reviews will make sense...

It is not an audio gimmick or the marketing of a new components as they are plenty new one each months with positive reviews, it is practical applied acoustics ...

I signal the existence of this acoustic revolution here because i read about it and listen Choueiri acoustic explanation...I never recommended to people here to upgrade their components and throw money on upgrade components, i ALWAYS  advised people to EMBED FIRST rightfully what they already own electrically, acoustically and mechanically...

I dont reviewed components to sell them ... I reviewed here my reading about an acoustic revolution...

Inform yourself , it is what i spoke about mentioning Choueiri as a genius in acoustic... We must read the man not the reviewers First and last..

Wait a second, has anyone in the Audiogon forums actually heard BACCH, or is this just repeating things said on the Internet? Not being snarky, I’m serious.


By the way there is no "true" stereo...😁

This true stereo concept had no meaning in acoustic save if we use this expression to characterise many speakers system of home theater compared to it...

There is acoustic day to day TRUE experience of sound and music , and there is recording always defective or imperfect reproduction through  headphone or 2 speakers or many speakers for specific reasons in each case  in acoustic.. Dr. Choueiri explain it way better than me...


To start the understanding read this article it is simple to read :

«In 2014, Choueiri founded Theoretica Applied Physics to manufacture and market audiophile-caliber components incorporating his patented innovations.

There’s a problem, Choueiri and many others maintain, with the way that stereo recordings have been played back for the last 70 years or so. “If you go out in the forest and you hear a bird singing, it’s not because there are two birds singing,” Choueiri explained with his characteristic intensity. “There’s one bird singing.” Stereo only creates the illusion of localized sound by manufacturing a phantom image “and your brain doesn’t believe it.” In life, a sound is precisely localized because of a slight difference in the arrival time at the right and left ears, as well as slight differences in amplitude and tonality that are attributable to the physical presence of the listener’s head and the shape of his or her ears. With reproduced sounds emanating from two loudspeakers, these relationships are considerably degraded, especially if the listening environment introduces reflections. Each ear isn’t hearing what it’s supposed to—inter-aural crosstalk is spoiling the party.»


Acoustic articles are not a "fad"...

All Dr. Choueiri research and Filters are PURE acoustic...

It takes few minutes to verify...

It is not a "tweak" nor a new upgrade...There is no degradation of the TIMBRE experience and it is scientifically explained WHY this is so...It is not a new complexities level added, it is a new acoustic experience better than anything before it... Dont trust me read not the reviewers only but Dr. Choueiri papers...

It is complete acoustic improvement UNIVERSALLY acclaimed...

Anyway it is for me in my actual journey the only REAL upgrade not a marginal upgrade or a mere change...As most costly dac upgrade for example...