B&W vs. Sonus Faber

803 d3 vs Sonus Faber Olympica nova v. These are comparably priced, about $16k.

have heard both in separate rooms with diff equipment. Both sound quite good. Trying to decide.
Interested in any opinions, or other options.

(I think) B/W pair well with McIntosh because it needs more ‘sparkle’.  Similarly Sonus Fabre can take the edge off of bright or harsher sounding SS gear.  I did say ‘I think’, right? :) Ken
+1 Kren0006
very different.  I have demo’d these both with the same equipment...
B/W forward and bright...Sonus Faber smooth to veiled. You sort of need to choose a camp...like tube vs SS electronics.
I’d think they are comparable in terms of quality. Probably find just as many that prefer either one. 
With Mc I would definitely go BW not SF. Better pairing. 
I know SR is 4 ohms vs 8 for b&w.  I wasn’t listening with same setup.  So hard to compare sounds.  Have a Macintosh amp and a high end tube amp and hear Mac does better with b&w.  Have not heard much about sf and what I have heard is good but not as strong as b&w.  Maybe the ultra high end sf spkrs are really good but the lower end of their range is not very good.
They sound completely different, no?

From what I heard, B&W neutral to somewhat forward, SF neutral to slightly on dark side. YMMV

Depends what you like and what electronics you have to pair with. But I think these are two with markedly different sounds so I’d listen again if you are unsure