B&W P6 tweeter replacement

Hello all,
Has anyone replaced the tweeters in their B&W P6 speakers? Parts express seems to have a vifa tweeter that others have had success with. I took the 4 small screws out of the tweeter ring but the tweeter seems stuck. Does it need to be pried out? If anyone can pass along any info for this procedure I would certainly appreciate it.
Cheers and happy listening!

Update. I got the tweeters apart and soaked the magnets in alcohol. I was able to clean the old gunked up ferrofluid out of the gaps. It took some time, but I used a dental pick and the little teeth flossers with the brush on the end. When they were clean and dry, I replaced the fluid and reassembled them. They sound great! Worked perfectly and only cost me $4.00 for the fluid from parts express. Super easy fix for those dried out tweeters!
Speaker gasket material often sticks like this. Three tricks to try. The first one a speaker builder showed me but made me drive across state as he had so many people mess it up. Take the wood screw that held the driver and situate it in the hole at an angle such that the point of the screw goes right in between the driver frame and the cabinet. Then making sure to catch the edge carefully turn the screw (use a screw gun). When done right the driver rides the screw thread up.

The other trick is to warm the area with a blow drier or heat gun, just enough to soften the gasket.

The third trick is to use a pick. Useful tool to have, the pick. Hardened to a straight sharp point at one end, right angle point at the other. Wedge the right angle in and lift.

Whatever you do, don’t put it back the same way. Do yourself a favor, remove the crap factory gasket material and replace with fo.Q tape https://www.ebay.com/p/1358280415 use this to replace all the driver gaskets, and put some on the driver baskets as well. This will be a serious upgrade!

I have some even better stuff you can do while you are in there, way better, like hard to believe how much better.... and no its not in these pics https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367