B&W Nautilus 803 & 804 Vs The World

How different does the 803 and 804 sound? And how do these compare to other comparablely priced dynamic speakers, such as a Revel F30, Dunlavy Aletha or even the more expensive Avalon Arcus?

Showing 5 responses by tburk

Psjulian wrote: >802's rule if you have the space and amps to let them sing!!<

I am thinking of getting 802's to replace my 804's. What is your opinion of wattage needed for 802? I'm very happy with 804/Lev. No. 334 right now, but love the 802's. Just a little concerned about power requirements.
Thanks JP - The 804's are so good in my room with the m/l 334, it's hard to imagine anything better. The bass in my room is plenty, even though it sounded a little weak when i auditioned them at the store. Also there is a good break-in time for the 804 as well, and now after 9 mo. they are the best things I have heard. I am very encouraged to upgrade now - thanks for the ideas. I had the impression that the 334 has what it takes, but was even considering upgrading the amp. I have a couple of months on the trade-in deal.
Interesting concept. I have only a No. 39 directly into the 334. It's wonderful, and your idea of simplicity is a good one. Thanks for the ideas. I do have pretty good cables too - Synergy Research - though I have only compared them with one other set. I am considering adding a pre-amp to give me the flexibility of having a tuner and tape.
I have decided against a turntable, as I have very little vinyl, and with the no. 39, I believe, at least to my ears, the "digital problem" has been largely solved. For the first time, when I first heard the No. 39/No. 334/N804 together, I did not hear "digital" on my cd's. I completely agree with reviewers who say they hear all their old cd's in a new way. I hear the same things on my favorites especially. For now, the decision is between a pre-amp or upgrading speakers to 802. As far a budget goes, I blew that away when I heard Levinson/B&W combination for the first time! The sound was that good (to my ears).
I would also like to add that when I first auditioned Nautilus speakers, I could not detect the difference between the 803 and 804.