B&W N805 vs Revel M20

Hi, I currently have a set of B&W CDM1 NT (with their matching FS-CDM stands) in a relatively small room. Would like to upgrade to either the N805 or the Revel M20 (both with stands). Which one do you recommend? One advantage that I see for the N805 is that they can be biwired/biamped. The M20 have only one set of terminals.

I am driving the speakers with an Arcam A32 100Wpc integrated amp. Thanks.

Showing 6 responses by gustavog

Jrwr7, and the natural question, why the Dynaudio 1.3MkIIs? Should I add another variable to my already complicated life?
I don't really care about biwiring as long as the M20 sound better. Biamping is another matter as it leaves you with a convenient or flexible options if you need more power (I would get a matching P35 for my A32). How are the M20s in terms of power needed? Would be 100Wpc @8ohms OK? I am leaning more and more towards the M20s, though, it seems that most people who have heard both the N805 and M20 prefer the later. I can arrange an audition with the Revel dist. in México.

warrenh, what is so bad about the standard Revel stands (aside from looking like a black flamingo). I am in México and it is more convenient if I get them here although I could buy them in the USA and then bring them here. Same with the speakers (what about that place to purchase)?

Thanks for the responses.
Nrenter, you are most welcomed to pop (down) by if in Mexico City. That's where I am. And my choices are determined in some way by that. It is part logistics, a bookshelf speaker is easier to move around (or bring from the US in one of my trips). Also, you don't have the widest choice here in Mexico but both the 805 and M20 are available. I can live without deep bass, btw. Hey, a couple of years ago I just had a portable cd player and some bose small active speakers. Bookshelf speakers are the next evolutionary step! was moving around the world about every 6-12 months for contracts. So everything I owned had to fit in two suitcases. Now I still travel but have a place I can call my own (or sorts) and can fill it with these things.

In the US among places there is large availability of audio gear, new or used. If there I will seriously consider used and probably would have gone for the b&w N803 or N804.

In any case my listening room is small to medium so it can be filled by small speakers and I listen to electronica, downtempo, lounge, classical, acid jazz...

My CDM1 NT still sound nice (the N805 and/or M20 would sound even better) so I am not completely seized upon by upgradetitis. If I am awake late at night chances are I am at the pub.
Well, I was sold, not by sound but by a very good deal on red cherry N805 + silver b&w stands. I might get to hear the M20 thought, as someone I know is interested in them and we might try them at my place. Hope I don't regret it...

In the meantime, the N805s sound great at my place: great imaging, tight bass (they do not go where they can't), very detailed. A vast improvement over my CDM1 NTs.

Thanks to all.
The REL Strata III is on my wish list. later...

Right now I am waiting for a Musical Fidelity A324. After that, I think I'll settle down for a while and enjoy the music ;-)