B&W CDM 1NT alternatives

I am needing to replace my existing Paradigm Export/BP bipoles for smaller, less obtrusive and hopefully easier to position speakers. I'm looking towards a sub/sat-bookshelf combo. From what I have heard (Paradigm, Definitive, B&W, Boston, Klipsch), I definitely like the B&W CDM 1NT's the most. However (isn't there always a however?), even at $700 used, they are out of my price range since I want the system to be decent for home theater as well, which means I will need a sub with a bookshelf size speaker. Besides, I'm a little afraid of the performance since I am not running high-end amplification (Yamaha RXV-692 receiver).

Can anyone recommend a speaker/sub combo that will approach the beautiful sound of the CDM 1NT's but at a cost more near the $500 USD mark (not incl the sub)? I would certainly appreciate it.

Rcommendations so far:

B&W 60x series (need to re-listen to these)
New Dahlquist line (QX6)
Paradigm (last time I listened they simply didn't even approach the CDM 1NT's at this price point)
Ascend Acoustic


Showing 1 response by subaruguru

B&W 602 SIII. Lots of boom and sizzle, with a fairly good midrange. Won't overly embarrass your receiver. KEF UniQ ones are smaller and much more attractive, and provide a broader listening angle, too. Yeah, I think you'll like the KEF. Doesn't have the great mids of a Spendor 3/5 et al, but for your system you'll be happy. Have fun.