B&W 805S vs. Usher BE718

Hello guys;
I would like to use either of these speakers with the Krell S-300I. My room is a typical medium to large family room that is medium bright and opens up to the kitchen.
I was hoping I can get some feedback from anyone who have used these speakers as to which ones they preferred. I live in Miami and most hi-end audio stores have left so I have to depend on the reviews & blogs in helping me decide. I listen to all types of music (except country :-).
Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by ryder

I have not tried the Usher but have owned the original N805. Contrary to Kenk168's findings, I find the N805 to be a warm speaker with smooth top-end. In fact the sound was so smooth that I switched to some Proac speakers after a while. I am often amazed when reading comments about the bright sound of B&W speakers as I find them to sound the total opposite -smooth, lush and warm. However, one may get a clinical bright sound from B&W speakers if using Krell amps.