B&W 803 Nautilus -HELP

Category: Speakers

I have a home theater set-up..

B&W 803N Front
B&W HTM2 Center
B&W 805N Back
Tag Mclaren AV32REX- Preamp-Surround Processor
Mark Levinson 334 for Front speaker
Bryston THX 5 channel amp for others
Tag Mclaren F3 CD20R Cd player.
Silver Sonic Q10 speaker cables


Home theater is awesome but

Music - STEREO not so good.

Or should I sell the B&W and get JM LAB instead??

What can I do to rectify the situation

Showing 1 response by mrfastguy250aol

I use Nautilus 804 in almost the exact same system as you, except i use a Proceed AVP-S and quite different cables (see my system if you like)

This setup sounds fantastic on both home theater and 2 channel stereo. I would look at replacing the processor and taking a look at your cables which made a Huge difference.

You only listed your speaker cables with no mention of your other cables, but they can make more difference than the equipment itself if there is a truly weak link, so if you want that is the less expensive fix.

I have been playing around alot with power cords recently and the difference is HUGE. Soundstage presentation and depth are increased more than you would ever believe.
I never could figure out why everyone was buying all these expensive power cords,, now i know.

I hope this helps!
