B & W 801 model type and amplifiers

There is an original pair of 801 speakers for sale locally at 1100. I am going to take a look at them. Having moved to SET tubes some time ago I don't have much in the way of large solid state amps about; only one Bryston 2B with 60 watts.

What would be the minimum type of solid state, or tube amplifier to drive these beasts? Would a Threshold SA3 or Krell KSA50 (both pure class A with very good power supplies but only rated at 50 wattts) work with these speakers?

I would want to acquire a used solid state amp as they are such bargains. Levinson 27.5 is another amp I've used and like but the price is moving up to the 2 large region for that amp.

Showing 1 response by kehut

I ran my 801 s2's with a Plinius SA 100MkII with modest output of 100W/8ohms and found them satisfactory in my room with my associated Equip. It wasn't until I recently traded up to the SA 250 that the speakers were transformed like no other amp Iv'e owned sounded with the 801's.Very magical sound and best control of the bottom end I have ever heard from them. You really need an amp with hi power and hi-current capability to get the best from them, especially if single amping them...Good luck in your search :)