B&W 706 S3 vs 705 S3

I recently purchased a pair of 706 s3 speakers and I think they sound great. Very crisp and detailed, lots of top end, but it works for me and my room. The problem is the speakers were damaged during shipping and I will be returning them. So as I really like them and plan to buy another pair I’m wondering if the 705’s with the top mounted tweeter are worth the extra $1000?? 
has anyone compared them side by side? Is there much difference and if so what what’s the difference? 


You’ve been an audiophile for 50 years? Your responses here sound like a petulant  teenager. You act like no one can like B&W because you don’t like them.

you can read right? When did I ask for other speaker recommendations? That’s right, I didn’t. So as your recommendations might be good speakers they weren’t what this thread was supposed to be about. You completely derailed it with your crusade against BB and B&W.

I’m sorry for whatever bestbuy and b&w did to you bro, get help,

Post removed 

for God’s sake is bass and not base!

"Chrisoshea" (aka ?) also seems to get excited about this issue.

Hey man, I’m just trying to help. If you like the B&Ws go for it man. I’ve heard the B&Ws against lots of other speakers and they just ain’t all that given what else is out there. But if you’re sold on B&W then just go for it. If it makes you happy then that’s all that matters. Pick your poison with those nasty metal tweeters but hope your chosen electronics will help tame them down. That’s why they’re often paired with warm McIntosh gear at Best Buy, but whatever works for you. BTW, who are you to call me out? I put my resume on my sleeve here, so what are your credentials? Sorry I even tried to help. Buy B&W in total ignorance of anything else and be happy. Ignorance is simple and bliss. Don’t by any means listen to or consider anything else. Just go by whatever Best Buy sells. Fritz Carbon 7s will stomp them to the ground, and you can do a free trial.