B&O, overpriced artistic piece of audio?

I have always had some sort of fascination to all things nifty and modern looking. Since 1982, before coming to this country, I was able to look into a B&O advertisement page in the NYTimes. Are B&Os a compromise sonically compared to my current system (Preamp SFL-2, Amp, Sonic Frontiers Power 2, speakers Gershman X-1 and Sw-1 subwoofers, Japanese DVD+Bel Canto DAC-1, Tuner MCintosh Mr-78)? Can I be enamoured just for the looks and this sense of nostalgia or should I simply say that B&O does conquer sonically? PAUL

Showing 4 responses by onhwy61

Sound quality is not the sole criteria for equipment selection! The visual presentation of a product is critical. Bemop, if the looks are that important, then go for it and be happy. You will lose sound quality, but so what. After all, even the most passionate B&O distractors seem to say their products sound OK -- not horrible, not unlistenable -- but OK.
I personally wouldn't do what Bemop is contemplating, but I think I understand why he would consider it. Why shouldn't audio equipment look great? Style counts. Some companies understand. Take a look at Sonus Faber, Jeff Rowland or Avalon. A component should look as good as it sounds, and vice versa.
Everybody is making the process of picking equipment sound so damned logical. Maybe it should be, but then again, maybe it shouldn't. Have any of you every done something just because it didn't make sense? Stop being so serious. It's possible that someone somewhere has a really good sounding B&O system that they are totally happy with. Maybe it will be Bemop. Is this really beyond the scope of your imagination?
Redkiwi, only those who have risked everything know the true pleasure of living.