B&K ST 202+

I am new here and I have a few questions. I have an old B&K St 202+ amp and a matching Pro 5 pre. The amp works great and in fact, it is too powerful for the PSB B25's that I used to test it. The preamp has a burned out power light and the lettering on the units is blue. The RCAs on the back of the amp are not marked and I have no way of knowing how much power there really is. These units were built by a B&K employee for my former neighbor. I do not need this much power and I am leaning toward a smaller Arcam and Rotel system in the near future. This equipment seems in pretty good shape and does it have any value? How do I know the wattage?

Showing 3 responses by alpha_03

I too would keep the B&K, and sadly, no offence intended, but PSB speakers are sorely inefficient, and after owning stratus golds, My dynaudio/vifa cerwin vega combination blows the PSB's away- in ALL respects, and they require far less power to do so.

PSB's are energy hungy, what they recieve they do not give back when compared to the same caliber and quality speaker. Open one up and have a look at how they are built, the speakers and the xover's, you'll understand what I mean, esp. after you compare them to a B&W speaker, or equiv.
One other thing, it seems you some-what are new to this game, Try a better cd/source, you wouldn't believe the difference that alone can and WILL make. Try Audio Refinement by YBA, I did and I have never heard a finer player under $3k, I am proud to say, it kills my Denon 1650AR player and made a HUGE difference in sonics.
Hello again,

If you decide to switch speakers, the Dynaudio lines, Vandersteen's, and the Theils (expensive and require very good amplifiers to really "sing") are good, but for the money, have a look at B&W's 600 or 700 series line, they are very good- depending of your choice of music of course. If you are into jazz or classical, give the Maggies or Martin Logans an listen they are more real then ANY speaker I have ever heard, however, for live output levels they will require a sub and good amplification.

What exactly are you looking for? What type of music do you mostly listen to? Consider this before you buy.