AZ Matrix Ref Mk II vs. Mk I?

What is the sonic differences between AZ Matrix Ref MkI and MkII? Is one warmer/brighter? Which has better details?
On some stage AZ changed RCA conectors from their own to WBT. Do you know when it happened and on what Mark I or II?
I'll agree with both of the above posts. I would go with the Mk I if you have electronics that are slightly on the lean or bright side. For a little more accuracy and neutrality, the Mk. II is the way to go. The Mk I's are going cheap for $200-250.00, so this might help in deciding if your budget is tight.If you go with the Mk I,try to find a Mk I with the white teflon insulation. This is a little better than the earlier versions with the clear insulation.
The mk 2 is much more extended at both frequency extremes and there is a smidge more detail. I think the mk 2's can compete with the best out there at any price.
I found the Mk1 a tad warmer, but both were excellent in detail retrieval. Used it between my pre/power amp. I didn't quite like it between the source and pre.