AZ Matrix II vs Harmonic Tech Magic Link2

Much has been said and written about these two cables, particularly the Zens. I only have experience with the Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II. However, I'm curioius about how the Matrix Reference II compares to Harmonic Technology's Magic Link II. Does anyone have experience with both? If so, can you briefly compare/contrast the two? Thank you.

Showing 8 responses by pops

Thanks. Right out of the box it sounds very nice and seems to accomplish what I was after - beautiful detail retrieval while maintaining texture and timbre purity the system delivers with the help of the Kimber 1021's upstream. More time will tell...
I will be adding a Magic II to my system today b/w preamp and amp to go with a Kimber 1021 upstream. It will be replacing (possibly temporarily) a Kimber 1016 which is very nice, full-bodied with nice texture. I am hoping for a little more resolution while maintaining texture.

Interesting description Blindjim on the Harmonics - sounds like they will be interesting in my system. I own and have used many variants of MIT over the years. My only complaint is the higher marques just don't have the midrange texture the lower models like 330 SG have - but the 330 series doesn't have the resolution the higher marques have so it's a trade off like most cables are. The higher marques of MIT I am referring to are Magnum M1, 350 reference, and 350 SG EVO. I haven't tried the more recent iterations such as MA, dots, or Oracle except in speaker cables and found the same to be true, lack of midrange texture with my Thiels.
Further take after a few albums.....nice and detailed without grain or unnatural brightness that I can detect. Very balanced tonality wise with a layered and deep soundstage compared to Kimber 1016, MIT Magnum 1, MIT 350 SG EVO. Also more holographic soundstage compared to the my other 3 cables mentioned. Perhaps the biggest difference is how much more dynamic this cable is compared to the others. Sorry I can't comment on AZ Matrix II since I haven't heard it.

This cable is between my preamp and amps with Kimber 1021 upstream and a captive tonearm wire on my Hadcock tonearm.
Thanks Jim - I have been a long time user/fan of MIT. I started with them pre-network days with their vari-lay technology and always wanted music hose SC but couldn't afford it! The magnums are excellent and you nailed it with the tonal color difference compared to HT. I had Magnum M2 SC for a long time - that was good too but again with Thiels the midrange was just a bit on the dry side. Have been using Audience au24 for a while - does everything well, doesn't get in the way, overall a balanced cable. Have you tried any HT SC - like the pro 9 reference?
Yeah the nirvana sx is ultra expensive! I have tried the SL's and feel they fell slightly behind Audience and Straightwire Maestro II (not by much at all)and into the same league with Kimber monocle XL and Goertz M2. All of these cables are at a similar price point and perform as such. My beleif and everything I have read is the SL's are in a different league. Good luck with that one!

I may try the Harmonic Tech pro 9 ref when I get in the mood for the garden hose asthetics - looking at those tiny Audience wires coming out of 500 watt mono's just looks funny - but they sound big!
Sounds like you need to spring for another run of SX! Just do it....I'm going to get another run of magic II to get the full flavor. I've always been a fan of same brand wire, esp for ic's. We'll see...
Sleep is overrated....."Keith Richards"

I believe the HT pro 9 reference is top o line - I don't know if they still make the tweeter/woofer cables - they were way more expensive than the aforementioned - at least they aren't listed on the website.

I'm in your boat Jim I need a lot of stuff too and could use a new stand there's always the upgrade virus....I feel a cold coming on.
I've got 2 runs of magic II, one from my phono pre and one from my linestage to amps. I haven't spent alot of time with them yet but the time I have has been very good. They definitely better Kimber Selects in my system, more nuances, natural timbre and just ultra smooth even with all the detail they retrieve.

They are also more dynamic than any IC I've had in my system.