AZ Matrix II vs Harmonic Tech Magic Link2

Much has been said and written about these two cables, particularly the Zens. I only have experience with the Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II. However, I'm curioius about how the Matrix Reference II compares to Harmonic Technology's Magic Link II. Does anyone have experience with both? If so, can you briefly compare/contrast the two? Thank you.

Showing 1 response by nicotico

Actually, I'm reasonably happy with the Matrix Ref II in my system. I have the Silver Ref II in front of it, if that tells you anything. If I had to quibble, I'd like about 10-15% less "body" in the mids and 10-15% more detail in the highs.

Those who had experience with both the Matrix and the Magic: do you think the Magic Link II would get me there, or would the Magic Link II be too much of a departure from the sound of the Matrix Ref II?