Ayre V-5Xe or Bryston 4B-ST


I am currently using a Bryston 4BSt driving my sonus faber cremona speakers. Seems like a great match since the bryston is very neutral and the SF well you know their character. I have an opportunity to purchase an Ayre V-5XE and have heard great things about the Ayre. Large sound staging, quiet, and great frequency response. I know that listening is very subjective but was wondering if anyone could make a suggestion if the Ayre would be an improvement over the bryston. I am using a tubed preamp with some really nice NOS tubes.

Thanks in advanced. Doug

Showing 1 response by charles1dad

Good observation about zero negative feedback amplifiers/components. Generally they will sound more open,3D and natural(at least in my experience).Some speakers however seem to need NFB amps to drive them.