Ayre QX-5 Twenty steaming performance

I am interested in trying out an Ayre QX-5 Twenty with the Ethernet Bridge for steaming either Tidal or Qobuz. Does anyone have experience with streaming Tidel or Qobuz directly to the QX-5 Twenty? if so, was the result as good as streaming from a dedicated streamer to the QX-5 Twenty? I would like to go with a one box solution for streaming, but also with great SQ if possible. Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by tecknik

I must of missed the thread on CA where Charlie Hansen said the QX 5 ethernet is a bit of a compromise, Is your QX 5 connected with ethernet or USB from the U1 mini.

I think it was Michael at Arye who told me over the phone along with several other QX 5 owners ( including myself ) feel the ethernet sounds better then USB.
My QX 5 (Dac mode) is currently being fed from the Melco NZ60 , which I hope to replace this year with a Innuos Zenith Mk3. so unfortunately cant use AES/EBU but Im glad to hear it sounds even better through AES/EBU.