Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC

Had the Ayre QX-8 Streaming DAC for some time and it was an outstanding DAC.  I just recently upgraded to the Ayre QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC.  IMHO, the Ayre QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC is one of the best DACs on the market today.  Although not inexpensive, it's a big-time value compared to some of the more expensive megabuck DACs on the market today.  An "AMAZING" piece of gear!!!!    


@patrickdowns, I experimented with my DAC going direct to my power amplifier.  The sound is good but NOT light-years better than using the preamp. My ’gut reaction’ is it might not be as clear, and the music does not seem as smooth.  So, an hour later, after more listening. when going direct, I felt the music was missing something.  The music was not as open or engaging when going direct to my power amplifier. The music felt more closed in.

When going direct, the sound was flat, lifeless and without an engaging factor.   The additional of the preamp brought things back to normal.  I am happy I did this audition so I now know and can forget about it.

For my application, and setup, I prefer the preamp since it is needed to help the music sound natural, clearer, and engaging.  My experiment is done.  For my system. a preamp makes the music sound better.

I know that other people prefer going direct from a DAC to a power amplifier. Based on my audition, my decision is based on my equipment, my environment and how I listen to music. There is no right or wrong answer since it just depends on the individual. Everyone has a different opinion on going direct to an amp or using a preamp.   The answer is it depends on the equipment and the sound you like.  

In some cases, it seems, if the DAC and amplifier are from the same company, going direct sounds might sound better. IN ALL CASES, an audition is required to make the right decision.  I hope this helps.

I have (and will soon be selling) a QX-8 to upgrade to the. QX-5.

The 8 is so wonderful in so many ways but since my budget allows the improved performance of the 5 (which I evaluated in a wonderful setting) I am making the move 

@patrickdowns I have heard the QX-5 directly into Ayre reference mono amps and it was very good. I run mine into the AX-5 Twenty.

Ayre is about ready to ship my QX-5 to me after upgrading the USB and adding their new Ethernet board. Ayre is very excited about the streaming board and I can't wait to hear it.

Until now, I primarily used the QX-5 as an outboard DAC for my Ayre disc player; other streaming options were a distant second. I have a Node 2i as a way to use Apple AirPlay into the system. And I did occasionally stream Roon/Qobuz through the ethernet port, but it was lackluster. Given the setup is far from ideal, and streaming was somewhat better through the Node. Neither was anywhere close to the sound I get from the disc player, my primary source and features the best power cord and interconnect.

Once the new Ayre ethernet port is in, I'll work to upgrade that source with a better interconnect and more.

All of this is to say that the Ayre is a wonderful product, amazing sound and a bargain given that it can be upgraded as digital develops.