
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase

Showing 8 responses by jazzybs

No buyers remorse from me. My first player anywhere near that much money.
But amazing is what it did to my system. One of the reviewers of the CD-2 postulated that you would need to spend a fair amount 5000+ at least to acheive the same SQ on a turntable. Any thoughts from you guys with analog experience as to the validity of that statement.

Besides, isn't the point of an analog setup to surpass the sound quality of CD's?

Exactly. My CD-2 sounds exceptionally good in my system, some recordings like FIM's Gilberto and Getz and Oscar Peterson recording were jaw dropping the first couple of spins. 5K is about what I can muster for an analog set-up, so if it can approximate the sound of the CD-5 it will be worth it .

Afc I would be interested in how you like your new TT. and what CDP you have
thanks for the perspective, very helpful. I have been debating getting a TT or not. I do not own any vinyl, so a TT may not be a wise choice for me.
A high end one box solution like the Ayon CD5 may be an option to look into eventually. I think for now I will just purchase more well recorded digital and enjoy the CD2. I know my bank account will appreciate it.
Appreciate the advice.Your experience with the Ayon products, and recent purchase of a nice TT setup, is almost perfect information for me to make a decision.The fact that on your system thread and this thread your posts are all reasoned and logical pretty much seals the deal for me, I can save up for the CD5 or find something else to obsess about. I am on a room tuning jag right now!!
Thanks for the info on the Ayon/MiniMax combo. May have saved me 700.
Drat's no cheap fix to audio perfection*^&%$#@@
Looks like I will need to save up and upgrade the dac chip thru Ayon at some point.
Does anyone have any info on upgrading to the CD2s chip?
Afc- are you running the CD5 directly into amps or into a preamp? Have you compared both ways?

I am interested in this also. I am considering a CD-5 to replace my CD-2 and Shindo Aureiges MM. The CD-2 direct to amps was no match for Shindo/CD2
combo. I really like the CD2. I wish I could control the sibilance on decent recordings with the occasional hard hot spots (Wilco Summerteeth) Perhaps it is to much to expect a dac to overcome that in a recording or can the CD5 or MiniMax Dac accomplish that?
Thanks Afc, The CD-5 to my monoblocs and maybe add the Ayon server/player when they release it would be a nice quality minimalist set up.
I will have to get up to LA and have listen.
If Wig is correct about about the MiniMax DAC, I will save the 5K and keep my Shindo and CD-2.
I think I will take it slow and let the dust settle on the MiniMax.
Wow sounds great, no doubt about it in your assessment! Thanks, I am jotting down your upgrades for reference. Good point about the improvement in DAC technology, which is why the quality of the CD-2 as a transport was a deciding factor in my purchase
Damn, it is not that much. I wish it had usb so that when it becomes second fiddle I could use it on my Mac.
I heard changing the tubes on the Minimax was tricky, I am new to tube rolling, What do you think?
Constant nonstop temptations in this hobby!!