
Responses from jazzybs

Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Kijanki, because the mysterious woman from the Ukraine who appreciates sound quality and loves music, statistically is probably not in the cards for me and the sometimes annoying fact that I am attracted to women eliminates a male as a partner; Lo... 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Desalvo55 found bliss with a woman from the Ukraine who appreciates sound quality and loves music. Any observations or comments as to whether non Anglo American women are more inclined to appreciate sound quality and would prefer music to be an in... 
All things Bill Evans.
Orpheus, thanks for the thread. In regards to the interplay between Evans and LaFaro; in the Peter Pettinger biography of Evans ( How My Heart Sings ) he writes how during the recording of the Explorations album that LaFaro and Evans had been havi... 
All things Bill Evans.
My audiophile tendencies were cemented one night listening to Bill Evans one night. I had a few recordings~ Everybody Digs Bill Evans ~Live At The Montreux Jazz Festival, that I enjoyed.This enjoyment turned to awe after I purchased used Vanderste... 
Wig,Wow sounds great, no doubt about it in your assessment! Thanks, I am jotting down your upgrades for reference. Good point about the improvement in DAC technology, which is why the quality of the CD-2 as a transport was a deciding factor in my ... 
Thanks Afc, The CD-5 to my monoblocs and maybe add the Ayon server/player when they release it would be a nice quality minimalist set up.I will have to get up to LA and have listen.If Wig is correct about about the MiniMax DAC, I will save the 5K ... 
Afc- are you running the CD5 directly into amps or into a preamp? Have you compared both ways?I am interested in this also. I am considering a CD-5 to replace my CD-2 and Shindo Aureiges MM. The CD-2 direct to amps was no match for Shindo/CD2combo... 
Jim,Thanks for the info on the Ayon/MiniMax combo. May have saved me 700.Drat's no cheap fix to audio perfection*^&%$#@@ Looks like I will need to save up and upgrade the dac chip thru Ayon at some point.Does anyone have any info on upgrading ... 
Eastern Electric's new tube DAC using ESS Sabre??
Doug,Are you planning to reveiw the Alona HDMI decoder, and running Blu-ray and SACD converted PCM streams into the Minimax DAC? and unearthing the Holy Grail in the process!! 
Afc, Appreciate the advice.Your experience with the Ayon products, and recent purchase of a nice TT setup, is almost perfect information for me to make a decision.The fact that on your system thread and this thread your posts are all reasoned and ... 
Afc, thanks for the perspective, very helpful. I have been debating getting a TT or not. I do not own any vinyl, so a TT may not be a wise choice for me. A high end one box solution like the Ayon CD5 may be an option to look into eventually. I thi... 
Looking for a new tube preamp
I can vouch for the Shindo Aureiges 
iMac audio issues
Roscoeiii,Do you use a Mac? Maybe I should try again before I return the powered hub. 
iMac audio issues
LeahyYep, usb direct to the back of iMac (27" 3.06GHz OS X 10.6.4) it worked OKinitially. I have tried a different usb cable. and some basic diagnostics.A powered usb hub does not work, Leopard does not see the HRT when attached to a hub apparently. 
iMac audio issues
A different problem but my iMac with HRT II+ connected, displays a message usb device is drawing to much power and the usb is disabled or a dimming and erratic desktop that can not be used is encountered. HRT"s support web page is not working, an ...