Ayon Audio Spirit integrated amp

Has anyone heard the Ayon Audio Spirit integrated amp? Thank You.

Showing 2 responses by ballhog

I haven't heard the Spirit, but I own the Ayon Audio 300B and it sounds terrific right out of the box. If the Spirit is anything like the 300B it has to be a winner!! Also on a side note the Ayon Audio CD-1 is a superb cd player, as good as the EMM Labs player that I owned.
No sir I am not. I just happen to own two of their pieces and am quite impressed with them. Sharing experiences with equipment is what this forum is all about if I am not mistaken. Also I have been out of the business for eight months and counting and never even heard of Ayon until about 2 weeks ago.I hope I have satisfied your curiosity.By the way, aren't you a dealer of products competing with Ayon at this time?