Ayon Audio Spirit integrated amp

Has anyone heard the Ayon Audio Spirit integrated amp? Thank You.

Showing 1 response by audio852

I have owned the Ayon Spirit now for 4 months. It is a fantastic integrated amplifier. The sound is very three dimensional, holographic, excellent bass, fluid mids, sweet highs.

You can also change the tubes from the KT-88 to the KT-90 tubes. The sound is as good in my opinion to the Shindo which my friend owns. Sounds Crazy!! Well you have to hear it for yourself. The reviews have given it a 5 star rating. The build is also excellent and it has a 3 year warranty.

The Spirit seems particularly enamoured with vocalists, strings, horns, piano, fast & smooth. the Spirit is splendid in either Triode or Pentode mode, it seems to bring out the subtlest qualities.

The Doors, Humble Pie and ACDC sounds fantastic too. Tight bass, very dynamic & it is fast.

I love it and it is not priced in the statosphere.....