Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

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Hi Mn9394, i'm not surprised your CD1s is struggling up against your Lamm amps! It sounds like you're looking for a warm, analogue sounding cdp. My advice is, give most consideration to the dac section, digital inputs and how it handles server based music (especially if this is going to be your last cdp) as we will all be using servers or pc's based digital sources in future. With that said, some players around that price range which I like are of course the CD-5s, Ancient Audio Lektor Air-V, Zanden Model 2500 (pre loved), Vitus RCD-100, Vitus SCD-010 (pre loved). I haven't included the ARC in this group purely because I find ARC a bit too neutral and lean sounding for my taste. In regard to the Ayon's preamp section, think of the CD-5s as an excellent transport and valve dac which is it's main function. The preamp circuitry does not take up much real estate...just compare a Skylla 2 dac vs a CD-5s. Besides, the preamp circuitry is switched off when you run preamp out. I can't really add much more to my review above. It is a terrific valve cdp.
02-27-12: Leicachamp
I have heard the KWA-150 set up with a CD-2s as source run single ended into the MW. The speakers were Wilson Benesch ACT's. This combination sounded wonderfully warm & liquid. Very tube-like! I'd definitely go single ended if you're considering a CD-5s/KWA-150 pairing. Incidentally, if your budget can stretch a bit, i'd grab the 'signature edition' which is even better, but that's a story for another thread.
Hi, I have not had my ayon 2s player long, to eanybody out there,, Do you think when this player breaks in, will I have the huge sound stage and mid-range thickness of snare drums and vocals that I had with the 12ax7 and 12au7 tubes, wich to me sounded more real and musical!, however, I only have 35 hrs on this player LOL!,, the tubes mentioned above also had awsome bloom!,I hope this player will not sound like solid state! cheers!
Dear All,

I'm the owner of a Ayon CD5 since a few years now and recently a friend of mine told me that the sound was more detailed with the Ayon CD5 directly connected to the power amps (Solid State Class A) than through my preamp Joule Electra LA 150 SE. I sadly agreed with him without understanding, as the Joule is a really great preamp. Strangely I don't have the same when using the Joule with my Cary CAD 211 AE power amps (tube amps). So I guess something is wrong somewhere.
Joule preamp has a hight output impedance (400 or 1200 Ohms switchable) with input impedance 15000 Ohms (RCA), CD5 has a 300 Ohms output impedance and my solid state power amps is around 20KOhms(RCA). Carys are around 50 KOhms (RCA)and 100 KOHms (XLR)
Could this explain a lower level of details with my solid state amps ?

I also would like to understand something about gain setting and with the CD5 : let's say I select the 6V output, does it mean that when I set up the Ayon CD5 volume at its max (0) I will get 6V output, and if I set it up to -30 (50%) I'll get a 3V output ?

Thanks in advance :-)