AVIA test dvd with PDP433CMX

Can all the basic test patterns on the Avia Guide to Home Theater disc be used on a plasma monitor or are they only for CRT type TVs? I have tried using the disc to tune my plasma but the sharpness and contrast controls have no effect on the test patterns.The monitor is a pioneer pdp433cmx.What color temp setting is the closest to 6500K for a good starting point to tune the monitor?I am currently using the med low setting.Thanks for the help
I use the test patterns when HBO or similar is off the air in the middle of the night.---Down in the right hand corner---you want to be able to just barely make out the 'grey' box--between the two black boxes.---It is a start.
If you really want the best out of your television contact an ISF certified callibrator. For $300-400 you will get the best picture quality your monitor can produce. Considering the cost of the television, the cable/sat service, expensive interconnects, and all other associated equipment it is a small investment with big returns.