Avantgarde Speakers

I would like to hear fellow member's comments on Avantgarde speakers. It sounds like they have a very accurate sound plus great dynamic range. Unfortunately, the Avantgarde home page does not have much information on the speaker's frequency response. The over all ranges are given, but, no measure of flatness is listed. Also, it looks like they are priced on the high side which may be partly due to the company trying to recuperate R&D costs. Any comments would be appreciated. ThanksX10**6!

Showing 1 response by pielfl2

I have listened to the Avantgarde Trios. In short, I think that their sound is colored. However, I can easily understand how one would be impressed by the sound they reproduced if it is their only experience with sphaerical horn (the same is true for the entire Avantgarde line). For anyone who is seriously considering a speaker like the Avantgarde Trios, I would advice them to take a look at another German Manaufacturer called Acapella Audio Arts. The Avantgardes are nothing but a badly done copy of an idea pioneered be Acapella. I don't think that there is a U.S distributor for the Acapellas yet; however, the In my opinion the Acapellas are some of the best speakers money can buy. In my opinion, anyone who raves about the Avantgardss has never listend to Acapella.
More info can be found at www.acapella.de. I would also be happy to answer any questions someone might have regarding this topic. Happy Listening!