Avant-garde speakers

Has anyone had any experience with Avant-garde speakers?  Specifically, I am thinking of buying a pair of Uno Nano speakers to pair with my First Watt J2 amplifier.  The system will be used in a rather small bedroom (15' x 15').  Also, the speakers are about 9 years old and selling for about 1/2 the new cost.  I guess what I am interested in is whether these speakers will work in this situation, and what can I expect in terms of performance in a 9-year old Avant-garde speaker.  Do they sound good at low to very low volume?  i currently use a pair of YG Carmels. Can I expect them to be reliable at this age?  Any input would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by williewonka

@russ751 - Whilst auditioning a Bluesound Node 2, I had the sales person hook it up to a system with the Duo’s - just for fun :-)

They wowed me from the get go...
- extremely articulate and detailed
- very balanced sound
- superb imaging - even in the showroom (as opposed to a talored auditioning room)
- they ticked all the boxes and more

From what I have read I believe the Uno Nano would sound very similar

They have a larger "footprint" than most other speakers , but I will bow to rocketII’s opinion that 15 x 15 will suffice - however I prefer more space around my speakers - especially behind them.

They were driven by a very good 1 watt amp and had very expensive speaker cables, so perhaps that will be something to consider going forward.
Also, because they have a powered woofer - quality power cables would contribute to an improved bass performance.

Their appearance is not to everyone’s taste - but once you close you eyes and listen - their looks are of no consequence - I think they look stunning and they are certainly a conversation piece.

Avangarde have left a distinct and very favorable impression on me and is the one speaker I would buy tomorrow if money were no object :-)

Hope that helps