Avalon Time vs Avalon ISIS ?

About 20K difference , which would you go for ?

Showing 4 responses by trcnetmsncom

Hello hugos7 and siddh.

Thought I would share my experience with you. This coming Oct. will be 2 years for me with the Isis.  *WOW*    I also had the Eidolon Diamonds for a little over 10 yrs.  Like siddh I thought my room wouldn't be able to handle the Isis and would have bass issues.  Surprisingly the Isis is more controlled, tighter, and more defined in the bass than the ED.  When it's called for in the content the larger woofers of the Isis just supply that extra low extension and weight.  This added low extension pays off big time on large orchestral works in the way of the soundstage &  sound-space. The hall dimensions just sound so much larger and images within in the soundstage have more room to breathe within the space.  

Also, a big congrats to siddh on his Times!!! 

This was another concern for me when going from the ED to the Isis. The Isis turned out to be an easier load for my Bat Rex amps than the Eidolon Diamond. 

Hello Steve,

I think with your ceiling being too low it kind of rules out the Isis for you. This is from word of mouth and from what I remember reading about the Time in a review, but the Times actually has more mid-bass energy than the Isis and it's harder to tame in this regard. I did a lot of research and contacted quite of few people with direct hands-on experience  before making the decision to go with the Isis over the Times.  I'm confident for me it turned out to be the right choice and I'm very happy the Times worked out so well for you.

We're both very fortunate to being enjoying our favorite music with these speakers.  Too bad they're so difficult to audition. I think a lot of music-lovers/audiophiles are missing out on the joy of hearing the music they love on these masterpieces! In fact I sometimes wonder if Avalon only wants to sell so many speakers.

Steve, are you still using the CAT amps?  I'm  pretty sure you had them way back with the original Eidolon.
