Avalon speakers,redux

There seems to be many Avalon speakers for sale lately.
Is there a problem with long term listening? For dynamic
speakers they seem to me the best around but if there are long term listening problems I would like to know. I can see trading in Avatars for Opuses but the people selling
Eidolons are they buying Sentinels($90000!)??? What is the story???

Showing 1 response by tireguy

I own eclipse and they are freakin old like 8 years or so and the only thing I have done was a few years ago replaced the drivers, other then that no problems at all with anything, dare I say a good value. I would like to upgrade to the opus but not too soon, I think I can get another 10 years out of these, hahahaha. I think you will find that avalon has a very high rate of return customers, as others have stated above once your hooked there is no looking back. As far as the Avalon's for sale now....buy them, they are great speakers but everyone needs change, hell I nearly traded someone the eclipses for a set of 3.5 maggies(oh soooo glad I did not do that). Cheers:-) Tim