Avalon or ProAc?

I've narrowed my choices down to either the ProAc 3.8 or the Avalon Eclipse Classic. Maybe a used pair of Opus or Response 5's if I can find them. Any of the above choices would be run on solid state gear. Love a wide, deep soundstage but I'm very partial to a speaker that really images well. Anyone with experiences with any or all of the above choices I would appreciate hearing from.

I owned Eclipses for several years and was never really happy with them. A lot of factors certainly, including room issues (I could never get satifactory bass from them). I now own ProAc 2.5's and much prefer them. Your milege may vary, and obviously many people here would disagree, but my vote woulde be for the ProAc over the Avalon without hesitation.
Let me add that I don't have much familiarity with the larger ProAcs (3.8, 4), mine is the two-way 2.5 (the Eclipse is also a two-way). Also, the Eclipse was and is about the most beautiful looking loudspeaker I know of. I loved having them as furniture in the house.
I have only listened to the 2.5's from ProAc, so it's isn't an apples-apples comparison...but I'm going to place my recommendation behind Avalon anyhow. I have owned the Radian HCs and now own the Eidolons and nothing else that I've listened to w/in 3x the price range has come close to the articulation/imaging and soundstage that the Avalons are able to project.
To my ear, Avalons sound more precise and clean but I vastly prefer to listen to music over the Proacs, no contest. Try listening to them with less intellect ( which one "images" better) and more with your heart.