Avalon Opus vs. Verity Parsifal Encore

Anyone care to comment on the relative merits of these fine speakers. They are similarly sized and priced. Drive characteristics (load, sensitivity) are somewhat similar.

Showing 1 response by subaruguru

I've compared the original Parsifal to the newer Encore, and there's no question that the frequency extremes are improved. The larger scale and better controlled bottom, as well the slightly more resolving top octaves sold me on the Encores' coherence. They simply sound "of a piece" in my room. Their resolution certainly required an amp upgrade immediately, though (Aleph P and 2 monos).
At these price levels you'd be crazy if you don't compare all comers IN YOUR ROOM! I would imagine that the Avalons have a lower mid/tweeter crossover frequency, so that dispersion spectra will differ from the Encores. Likewise the Encores need to be dialled in re their twistable woofer pods. They were anemic rear-firing in my room, but amazingly potent AND tight front-firing (flat to 30Hz, and NEVER harden on peaks!) I could imagine that the Avalons' strengths may be competitive at the frequency extremes, but I'd be surprised if their midrange is as natural or quick as the
Encores'. They are scarily real-sounding! Be good to yourself and arrange home demos. Good luck!