Avalon Opus Ceramique vs B&W N802's

I have the N802's now and am looking to upgrade. I was originally considering a used pair of Avalon Eidelons after listening to them at an audio shop a few months back. I am also considering the Avalon Opus Ceramique, as the cost is less than the former and they are a more recent Avalon model. I have the Bryston 4BSST now, Rowland Synergy IIi Pre, Esoteric DV50S Universal Player, Transparent Reference cables(All), and Transparent Power Isolation devices. I am also looking to upgrade the Amp to the Rowland 312 in the near term. Has anyone had the opps to listen to both of these speakers?

Showing 1 response by elberoth2

I have heard the Opus (at the time beeing Eidolon Vision owner) and was hugely disappointed. Go with the Eidolons.